TOPLAP Karlsruhe
unofficial computer music concert series: frmscrtch/nt #0
place: gallery jubez Kronenplatz 1, 76133 Karlsruhe
duration: ≈120min (incl. breaks)
frmscrtch/nt* #0 20240523
(*) this bunch of consonants is an obvious encryption of “from scratch or not”**, reflecting our*** awkward position of trying to establish a format convention, yet avoid letting it take over the entire meaning of an unofficial computer music concert series.
(**) from scratch (examples):
- When the writer finished writing his book, it was stolen and now he has to rewrite it from scratch.
- She said she wanted to build a new house from scratch.
- There were so many errors in the program that the programmer decided to rewrite it from scratch.
- He was out of pancake mix so he had to make the batter from scratch.
(***) toplap (transdimensional obvious pub of live artistic programming)
who’s playing (most probably):(!) this concert is only a special meetup of toplap ka, where friends are invited to listen to live computer music, so no tickets are required.